"I quickly made $12,000 in new sales due to the systems and the networks my E-VA and ActionVISION coaching team introduced me to. Amazing!
Once I pulled the trigger and got my E-VA team on-board, they provided simple next steps. I LOVE IT! I told them, 'Work your magic. Make things happen. I've got too many people to help'. E-VA's helped me to reduce the rollercoaster in my business.
I'm just so terrible at 'systems'.... but I want consistency in my business and I know that means systems. My E-VA team is great at this. They saved me so many hours already and because they are SO EFFICIENT, I'll be getting even more hours in return. Every hour of their work is like 10 hours or more of other people's work. As they help me grow my business - they find ways to make things even better.
My passion is to help people find what they need and help them get it. I do that through affordable health insurance, not worry about the details of how I can better get there. How many more lives I could I have helped - and money I could have made - if I had gotten my amazing E-VA sooner?!